Saturday, April 5, 2008

Universe Age Calculation

This Universe Age Calculation is given by Swami Dayananda Saraswati as per Veda's Text. Universe Age as given in Veda's Text is almost equal to Universe Age Calculation by Bigbang Theory.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble decided that because the light coming from most galaxies was redshifted, the universe must be expanding after exploding from an infinitesimal volume of superhot, superdense concentration of matter and energy. The explosion is called the big bang which propelled matter in all directions and at all speeds. According to the big bang theory, the farther away an object is from us, the more redshifted its light. Also, a greater redshift means the object is moving away faster than objects with less redshift. If the universe is not expanding, this cannot be true and the redshift must be due to other causes. An astronomer can tell how old the universe is by the rate of expansion. If the redshift is due to something other than expansion, nothing can be said about the universe's age.

Evolutionary astronomers confidently argue the universe is 12-20 billion years old, although there is no certainty about any astronomical observations. John Eddy, a famous astronomer, once said that there isn't much in the way of observational astronomy that proves the universe is old.

Universe Age Calculation by Veda's Text:

calculation of age of universe as given veda's Text which is almost equal to the universe age calculation by Big Bang Theory.

1. Age of Brahma 100 Years
2. 1 Brahma Years = 12 Brahna Month
3. 1 Brahma Month=30 Brahma Days + 30 Brahama Night
4. One Brahma Day = 1 Brahma Night = 1 Kalpa
5. 1 kalpa= 1000 Four Yugas=14 manvantaras
6. one Four Yuga=43,20.000 Earth Years

a. Kaliyuga= 432000 earth Years
b. Dvapara-yuga= 2*Age of Kaliyuga=2*432000=864000
c. Treta-yuga=3*Age of Kaliyuga=3*432000=1296000
d. Satya-Yuga=4*Age of Kaliyuga=4*432000=1728000

Hence total age of four yuga=4320000 of earth Years as per Veda's text the current of age of brahma=50Brahama Years + 6 Manvantaras + 27 four Yugas + 1 Satyuga + 1 Treti + 1 Dvapara + 5000 Years of Kaliyuga that's almost equal to 155.522*10 to power 22 or 155.522 trillion that's almost equal to the result by big bang theory of universe.

Other Calculations:
    • 1 year of the Deva = 360 human years.
      Krita Yuga (Satya) = 4,000 Daiva years or (4,000 x 360) = 1,440,000
      Twilight preceding = 400 Daiva years or (400 x 360 yrs) = ….14, 400.
      Twilight following = Ditto………………………………=…...14,400
      ………………………………….Duration of Krita Yuga = 1,728,000

      Treta Yuga……….= 3,000 Daiva years or (3000 x 360).. = 1,080,000
      Twilight preceding= 300 ….Daiva years or (300 x 360)…=…108,000
      Twilight following= 300…………Ditto………………......=...108,000
      …………………………………..Duration of Treta Yuga =.1,296,000

      Dvapara Yuga…..= 2,000 Daiva years or (2000 x 360).…= ...720,000
      Twilight preceding= ..200 Daiva years or (200 x 360)…...=…..72,000
      Twilight following=.…………….Ditto……………..……= …72,000
      ……………………………….Duration of Dvapara Yuga =...864,000

      Kaliyuga…………= 1000 Daiva years or (1000 x 360)….=...360,000
      Twilight preceding= 100. Daiva years or ...(100 x 360)….=…..36,000
      Twilight following=……………….Ditto………………...= ….l36,000
      ………………………………...Duration of Kali Yuga…..=….432,000
      …………………………………Total of four Yugas……..= .4,320,000

    • 1 Manvantara… = 71 four-Yugas or 4,320,000 x 71) = ….306,720,000
      14 Manvantaras = 306,720,000 x 14 (a day of Brahma) = 4,294,080,000
      To this must be added 15 twilights i.e., one at the
      beginning of each Manvantara and one at the end
      of the last Manvantaras, and as eachTwilight is equal
      to a Krita Yuga, we should add
      15 x 1,728,000 years……………………………………..= 25, 920,000
      Total duration of a day of Brahma…………………...= 4,320,000,000

      Fifteen twilights = 1,728,000 x 15 ………………….=…..25,920,000
      Six four-Yugas..= 4,320,000 x 8 …………………...=…..25,920,000
      15 twilights of Manvantaras are equal to 6 four-Yugas.

      A day of Brahma consists of 1000 four-Yugas because 71 x 14 = 994. to this if we add the 6 four-Yugas - the duration of fifteen twilights, we get 1000 Chaturyugas.


    Unknown said...

    a small example of vedic wisdom.

    TheKnower said...

    Please note that your claim "155.522 trillion that's almost equal to the result by big bang theory of universe" is incorrect.
    If you think it is not the case, then please cite the sources from where you have gleaned this piece of information.

    Modern calculations place the age of the universe anywhere between 10 and 20 billion years and in the narrowest range, between 13 to 14 billion years. Check out the links below:

    Another thing, it is believed in the Hindu theory of creation that pralaya or dissolution takes place at the end of every Brahmdin and destruction reigns for the Brahmratri before creation again takes place in the next Brahmdin or Kalpa. At the end of the 100 years of Brahma takes place the Mahapralaya or supreme destruction.

    It is also to be noted that in RigvedadiBhashyabhumika Swami Dayananda has not given the calculation for a Kalpa in complete and the figure for Srishti samvat is also incorrectly calculated therein.

    Please also make correction in the caption of Swami Dayanand's image at the top from "A great religious scholor," to "A great religious scholar."