Saturday, April 5, 2008

Age of creation

  • Age of creation by Swami Dayananda Saraswati

    Q. - How many years have elapsed since the revelation of the Vedas?

    A. ~ 1,960,852,976 years and the current year is the 1,960,852,977th. The same number of years has elapsed since the creation in the present Kalpa.

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    Q. - How do you know that only so many years have elapsed and not more.?

    A. ~ Because in the present creation it is the seventh manvantra called vaivasvata which is now running, six manvantaras having run their course before it. The names of these seven manvantaras are Svayambhava, Svarochisha, Auttanmi, Tamasa, Raivata, Chakshusha And Vaivasvata. These together with the seven, the savarni, etc., that are yet to come, make fourteen manvantaras.

    The length of a Manavantara is 71 Chaturyugis (4 yugas). One thousand Chaturyugis have to run their course to make a day of Brahma. The duration of the night of Brahma also is the same. The time during which a cosmos lasts is called the day and the time occupied by dissolution is named the night.

    In the present day of Brahma six manvantaras have already rolled by the and the 28th Kaliyuga is running in the 7th ilel, the present manvantara called Vaivasvata. Of this Kaliyuga also 4796 years have already passed and the present year is the 4797th, which the Aryas call the Samvat 1933 (1876 A.D.) of King Vikrama's reign. We quote Manu in our report,

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    'But hear now the brief description of the duration of a night and day of Brahma and of the several ages (of the world) according to their order.

    'They declare that the Krita age (consists of ) 4,000 years (of the Devas): the twilight preceding it consists of as many hundreds and the twilight following it of the same number.

    ' In the other three ages (the Treta, the Dvapara, and the Kali) wit their preceding and following twilights, the thousands and the hundreds are diminished by one in each.

    'These 12,000 years which thus have been just enumerated as the total of 4 (human) ages are called one age of the Devas.

    "But know that the sum of 1,000 years of the Devas makes one day of Brahma and that his night has the same length.

    'Those only who know that he holy day of Brahma indeed ends after the completion of 1,000 ages of the Devas and that his night lasts

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    as long, are really men acquainted with the length of days and nights.

    ' the before-mentioned age of the Devas or 12,000 (of their years) being multiplied by 71 (constitutes what) is here named the period of a Manu-Manavantara.'

    the Manvantaras, the creations and the destructions (of the world) are numberless.

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    sportings, as it were, of Parameshthin (God) who repeats this again and again!

    The terms, 'Day of Brahma, Night of Brahma, etc.,' being of easy comprehension have been adopted for measuring time, so that it may be easy to calculate the age of the creation and the dissolution of the world and also of the Vedic revelation. A Manvantara is so called because on the change of amanvantara some modifications occur in the external arrangements of creation. The system of numeration to be followed in counting the years should be the following, as given in the Surya Siddhanata viz.,

    'Eka = 1, dasha = 10, shata = 100, sahasra = 1,000, ayuta = 10,000, laksha = 100,000, niyuta = 1,000,000, koti = 10,000,000, arbuda = 100,000,000, vrinda = 1,000,000,000, kharva = 10,000,000, 000,

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    nikharva = 100,000,000,000, Shankha - 1,000,000,0000, 000, padma = 10, 000, 000, 000, 000, sagara = 100,000,000,000,000, antya = 1,000,000,000,000,000, Madhya = 10,000,000,000,000,000, parardhya = 100,000,000,000,000,000,, and so on multiplying by 10 in succession.

    According to the Shatpatha 7:5, 2, 13. the word "Sahasra' means "Sarva' (all). It says: 'Sahasra' means Sarva; thou art the giver of 'Sarva', and the Yajurveda 15:65 says: O God thou art the measurer of Sahasra, the reckoner of Sahasra.' Thus 'Sarva' means the universe as well as time because this Mantra occurs, in a general sense and its meaning is that God is the measurer of the universe, 'Brahmanda' whose periods of

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    existence and dissolution, (technically called) Day and Night, consist of 1000, Mahayugas (aeons) each.

    Works astronomical science lay down daily observances. The Aryas have clearly reckon even to-day, according to the rules of arithmetic, the divisions of time from a Kshana (= 4/5ths of a second) up to the Kalpa and the Kalpana and they pronounce them daily and are familiar with them.

    All men, should, therefore, accept this firmly established doctrine (of the age of the world and the Vedic revelation). They should accept none else. It has been embodied in formula which is as follows: Om tat sat! I did this in the second quarter of the day of Brahma, in the first quarter of the 28th Kaliyuga of Vaivasavata Manvantra, in such and such year, Solstice, season, month and fortnight (Paksha), on such and such day when the moon occupies or occupied such and such mansion NAJYATR zodiacal sign and at such

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    an hour.* This formula is a matter of everyday knowledge to every Arya, young or old, and it is prevalent in the whole of Aryavarta in an identical form. It is, therefore, not possible for any man to disturb it.

    We shall explain the Yugas further at a later stage, qui vid.

    From these observations it is evident that the opinion of European Profs. Max Muller, Wilson, etc., that the Vedas are of human and not of divine origin, as well as, their verdict that the Vedas were compose 2,400, 2,900, 3,000 or 3,100 years ago is rooted in error. The like views of those writers, who have written Vedic commentaries in the vernaculars ar also erroneous.

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    *I think it is advisable to give here the duration of the day of Brahma according to the calculation of Manu.
      1 year of the Deva = 360 human years.
      Krita Yuga (Satya) = 4,000 Daiva years or (4,000 x 360) = 1,440,000
      Twilight preceding = 400 Daiva years or (400 x 360 yrs) = ….14, 400.
      Twilight following = Ditto………………………………=…...14,400
      ………………………………….Duration of Krita Yuga = 1,728,000

      Treta Yuga……….= 3,000 Daiva years or (3000 x 360).. = 1,080,000
      Twilight preceding= 300 ….Daiva years or (300 x 360)…=…108,000
      Twilight following= 300…………Ditto………………......=...108,000
      …………………………………..Duration of Treta Yuga =.1,296,000

      Dvapara Yuga…..= 2,000 Daiva years or (2000 x 360).…= ...720,000
      Twilight preceding= ..200 Daiva years or (200 x 360)…...=…..72,000
      Twilight following=.…………….Ditto……………..……= …72,000
      ……………………………….Duration of Dvapara Yuga =...864,000

      Kaliyuga…………= 1000 Daiva years or (1000 x 360)….=...360,000
      Twilight preceding= 100. Daiva years or ...(100 x 360)….=…..36,000
      Twilight following=……………….Ditto………………...= ….l36,000
      ………………………………...Duration of Kali Yuga…..=….432,000
      …………………………………Total of four Yugas……..= .4,320,000

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      1 Manvantara… = 71 four-Yugas or 4,320,000 x 71) = ….306,720,000
      14 Manvantaras = 306,720,000 x 14 (a day of Brahma) = 4,294,080,000
      To this must be added 15 twilights i.e., one at the
      beginning of each Manvantara and one at the end
      of the last Manvantaras, and as eachTwilight is equal
      to a Krita Yuga, we should add
      15 x 1,728,000 years……………………………………..= 25, 920,000
      Total duration of a day of Brahma…………………...= 4,320,000,000

      Fifteen twilights = 1,728,000 x 15 ………………….=…..25,920,000
      Six four-Yugas..= 4,320,000 x 8 …………………...=…..25,920,000
      15 twilights of Manvantaras are equal to 6 four-Yugas.

      A day of Brahma consists of 1000 four-Yugas because 71 x 14 = 994. to this if we add the 6 four-Yugas - the duration of fifteen twilights, we get 1000 Chaturyugas.

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